Advanced Inventory Settings
Configuration Fields
📈 Custom Availability
More information: Availability Templates
- Enable Availability Template - enable this option if you want to create your own rules for calculating accessibility
- Open Availability Templates - available only if the previous option is enabled. When clicked, it opens the Availability Templates page.
Setting up the location for the Inventory by Locations field
Open the User Setup page, then select the user you want to configure and find the Inventory Location Filter field. You can manually type the location code or click on the three dots (...) to open a new window, where you can select several locations at once. That's it! Once you make the Inventory by Locations field visible, it will be calculating the Inventory Availability for your defined locations!
Find Item Page Settings
- Show performance warnings when found more than X records - You can choose whether to see performance warnings when we find more than X records. Data processing can be time consuming. You can set more filters to speed it up.
Default Value: enabled
- Records Count Limit to show warning - Only available when the preceding option is enabled. Here you can define your custom record threshold. A warning will only appear if we find more than the quantity defined here.
Default Value: 4000
- Use Predefined Location List on Location Filter - Here you can configure whether the location filter on the Find Item page should cover every location or only predefined locations.
Default Value: disabled
- Predefined Locations - Only available when the previous option is enabled. Use this field to define a location filter for the option above.
Default Value: None
Inventory Color Styles
- Enable Inventory Color Rules - When enabled, it allows coloring document lines based on the current inventory or availability.
- Color Calculation Source - Specifies the source used for calculating the color:
- Inventory (default) - Colors the row based on the current item inventory. Inventory does not account for reservations, sales order quantities, etc.
- Custom Availability - Colors the row based on custom availability settings. It can calculate reserved quantities, enabling better predictions of whether stock levels are sufficient for operations. If availability cannot be calculated for a given document (e.g., due to missing settings), the inventory quantity will be used instead.
- Open Inventory Color Rules Settings - Open a setup page where you can configure color rules for documents based on the current item availability.