📈 Visual Stock Indicator
The module enables dynamic and automatic line coloring in documents based on inventory stock or product availability. This allows users to instantly recognize which items are available, limited, or out of stock, significantly simplifying order management and logistics processes. Colors can be assigned according to predefined rules, enabling quick decision-making and minimizing the risk of errors.
Default Behavior
Upon installation, the solution initializes default line coloring settings for documents. This mechanism operates based on the required quantity for a document and the current inventory stock. The system calculates the percentage of products remaining after the transaction is processed and automatically assigns appropriate colors:
- Red – if the percentage falls below zero, indicating a stock shortage.
- Yellow – if the percentage is between 0% and 5%, signaling a low stock level.
- Green – if the percentage exceeds 5%, indicating sufficient stock.
Changing Calculation Based on Availability
By default, the system assigns colors to document rows based on the product’s inventory level.
However, if a different calculation method is required, this can be adjusted in N24I | Advanced Inventory Setup. By selecting the option to calculate based on custom availability, the system will consider the individually defined custom availability for a given document, allowing for better adaptation to specific business needs.
Customizing Rules
Rules can be adjusted as needed. To do this, navigate to N24I | Advanced Inventory Setup and click Open document coloring rules.
Explanation of Fields
Document Type – defines which documents the rule applies to. For example, if the rule is for sales, it will include sales orders, sales invoices, and sales quotes.
Critical Availability Level (%) – if the calculated product quantity falls below this value, the row will be marked in red. A value of -1 means that the red color will only be applied if the product quantity drops below 0. If a product is sold and the remaining stock is 0, the row will not be marked in red.
Low Availability Level (%) – sets the threshold below which the row is marked yellow. This works only if the Enable low stock threshold option is active. Detailed scenarios can be found in the Configuration Examples section.
Enable Low Stock Threshold – allows disabling the yellow color marking, making it possible to customize how low stock availability is indicated.
Rule Enabled – determines whether the rule should be active for the selected document types. If disabled, the system will not apply color marking to rows.
Configuration Examples
The following examples illustrate how document row coloring works based on inventory levels. Each scenario demonstrates how adjusting thresholds affects row colors.
Green – Sufficient Stock
In this example, we configure rules for a sales document:
- Critical availability level set to -1, meaning the red color will only appear if the stock falls below zero after the transaction.
- Low availability level set to 5, meaning if the stock after the transaction is between 0% and 5%, the row will be marked yellow.
In the sales document, a product has an inventory of 100, and 10 units are sold. After the transaction, 90 units remain, which is 90% of the initial stock.
Since this value exceeds the low availability threshold (5%), the row remains green, indicating a safe stock level.
Yellow – Low Stock Level
In this scenario, we increase the low availability level to 40.
The quantity sold is changed to 70, meaning after the transaction, 30 units remain, or 30% of the initial stock.
Since the remaining stock is now within the 0–40% range, the row is marked yellow, signaling low stock.
Red – Critically Low Stock
In the final example, the low stock threshold is disabled, meaning yellow will not be used. Additionally, the critical availability level is increased to 5%, so any product with less than this percentage will be marked red.
In the sales document, the quantity sold is set to 99, meaning only 1 unit remains, which is 1% of the initial stock.
Since the stock availability has dropped below the critical 5% threshold, the row is marked red, indicating the need for action, such as restocking.
With flexible threshold settings, the system allows precise customization of inventory visualization, enabling quick decision-making and minimizing the risk of stock shortages.