Minimum Order Value Configuration
To properly configure the Minimum Order Value, adjustments need to be made on the following pages.
Page: TMS | Setup
All global configuration related to the Minimum Order Value are located on the TMS | Setup page in a 📦Module: Minimum Order Value section.
- Cost Behavior - Defines the action to take when the Minimum Order Value is met.
- Hide Cost - If the order meets the minimum order value, the cost will not be added to the source document.
- Show as Discount 100% - If the order meets the minimum order value, it will be added as a cost defined in the Transport Cost section, with a 100% discount applied.
Page: TMS | Logistic Minimum Setup
This page allows you to establish rules for determining the Minimum Order Value for sales orders. The rule's priority is determined by the Type field. If a sales order is created for a customer with a specific type, that type will be used. If not, the system will check the customer discount group, and if the customer does not belong to any discount group, or Posting Group, the global rule will be applied.
- Manage Packages Types - Create custom packages that can be used for transportation.
- Type - Specifies the type of Minimum Order Value for which the rule will apply. The list goes from most specific to global (used when no other rules are valid):
- Per Customer - Applies the type only if creating an order for a specific customer.
- Per Customer Posting Group - Applies the type if the customer has an assigned posting group.
- Per Customer Discount Group - Applies the type if the customer belongs to a specific discount group.
- Global - Applies the rule if none of the above conditions are met.
- Code - Code of the customer or customer groups, depending on the selected type.
- Package Code - (hidden by default) The rule applies only if the order is shipped using the specified packaging code (leave blank to apply the rule to any packaging type).
- Minimum Order Value - The minimum order value that must be met for the sales order's total value.
- Order Value Currency - Specifies the currency required for the rule to be applied (leave blank to use the local currency).
- Rule Enabled - Enable or disable the rule without deleting it.