Suggested Packages Configuration
To properly configure the calculation of suggested packages, adjustments are required on the following pages.
Page: TMS | Packages
This page contains packages used for transporting goods. Enter all packaging you want to use for transportation.
- Insert Defaults - Inserts default packages without deleting or replacing existing data.
- Type - Type of packaging. The type choice affects how the packaging is handled.
- Code - A unique code (up to 20 characters) to identify the specific packaging.
- Description - Any text describing the packaging.
- Length (cm) - Length of the package.
- Width (cm) - Width of the package.
- Height (cm) - Height of the package.
- Weight (kg) - Weight of the package.
- Priority - Priority of the package, mainly used for sorting purposes.
- Minimum Weight (kg) - Minimum weight of the contents to use the specific packaging.
- Maximum Weight (kg) - Maximum weight of the contents to use the specific packaging.
- Price - Fixed price for the specified package.
- Line Type - Indicates the line type to be utilized when incorporating the package as a line within a document.
- Line Type No. - Indicates the line code to be utilized when incorporating the package as a line within a document.
Page: TMS | Item Package Setup
This page allows the assignment of any created packaging to any item. Assigning packaging to inventory indicates the preferred packaging for that item.
- Type - The type of the item package setup line for which the rule will apply:
- Per Item Category - Used to define a package rule for a specific item category.
- Per Item - Used to define a package rule for a specific item. Has higher priority than the Per Item Category type.
- Code - Specifies the code of the item or item category for which packaging is assigned.
- Description - Description of the item or item category, filled automatically.
- Priority - Specifies the priority of the packaging; higher priorities increase the likelihood of selecting the specific packaging for item transportation.
- Package Code - The code of the package used for transportation.
- Package Type - Packaging type, filled automatically, affecting how the specific packaging code is handled.
- Minimum Quantity - Minimum quantity of inventory required to consider the specific packaging for transportation.
- Maximum Quantity - Maximum quantity of inventory allowed to consider the specific packaging for transportation.
- Minimum Weight - Minimum weight of the item required to use the specific packaging.
- Maximum Weight - Maximum weight of the item allowed to use the specific packaging.